Guest Post by Melissa Mills
I’m a recovering
serial monogamist, which basically means that I’ve been in several
relationships in my life, beginning at 15. As part of this, I’ve dated a
variety of guys and have learned quite a bit about what to do and what to
avoid. That said, the most interesting part of my dating journey has been
moving from never thinking that I would want to date a Christian (mostly out of
fear, if I’m honest) to wanting to date someone who not only goes to church but
who loves Jesus with both his words and his actions.
Having navigated
the dating world before and after deciding to follow Jesus, I think that dating
as a Christian can be more confusing than dating outside of the church. That’s
why I have a passion for talking about relationships, dating, and helping women
navigate the process.
When Dave asked me
to write a blog about common mistakes that I think women make, I was excited to
share my thoughts. This is by no means a complete list, but just some of my
thoughts as I’ve been both a participant in and an observer of the Christian
dating scene.
5 Mistakes
Women Make When Attempting To Date:
1) Avoiding Dating Out Of Fear.
I’ve talked to
many a woman who “just isn’t looking for a guy right now.” Let’s be honest, if
we’re single and in our mid to late 20s or 30s, we’re almost always looking. We
just say that we aren’t because we’re afraid of rejection and disappointment. I
know because I did it. And then my roommate told me to stop pretending that I
wanted to be single for the rest of my life and told me to take an active role
in my own dating life. She told me I needed to try online dating again. I did
and, a month later, I met my boyfriend. Don’t let fear be a factor. Get to the
bottom of why you’re afraid to date, get rid of that outdated stigma that online
dating is taboo, and join a site.
Writing Him Off Too Soon OR
Assuming He’s “The One” Before The First Date.
First of all,
where in the Bible does it talk about the concept of “The One”? Second, you don’t have to know if you’re
going to marry a guy in order to go to coffee with him and if you do already
know, the rest of us want access to your crystal ball. That kind of knowledge
only comes with time. On the flip side, you never know what you’re going to
learn about yourself, your preferences, or a guy unless you go out on a date
with him. It may even take 2, 4 or many dates before you know if there’s a
possibility of something more than friendship. Give it a chance if you’re being
too closed and if you have the opposite problem, get grounded quick. Otherwise
you may end up in Disappointmentville, population: you.
Dating Outside Of Community
You know that
girl. The one who disappears when she starts dating? I could have been the
president of that club. The problem with dating in a bubble is that you may not
be yourself in your relationship, but you’re so emotionally involved in the
relationship that you can’t see it for what it is. I have this friend who was
in a relationship and every time she was around this guy, her voice got several
octaves higher. She had no idea. I tried to tell her that she wasn’t herself
around him but until she let me and other friends into her bubble, she couldn’t
see it. Ultimately, they broke up. Lesson is: date in community. Bring a few
trusted Christians into your process and they will help you with wise counsel
as you make decisions about your future.
4) Moving Too Quickly Across Emotional, Physical,
and Spiritual Boundaries.
I don’t really
need to tell you why this is a bad idea, right? Get accountability with a
friend who can help give you an objective perspective about your relationship.
Moving too fast means disaster all around. Don’t learn this one the hard
5) Neglecting Your Character Formation While Dating
I recently read
that the majority of Christian marriages break up because of “irreconcilable
differences” which could also mean selfishness. Many of us don’t want to submit
to another when we’ve gotten so used to the independent life. Take time during
your dating process to seek God at every turn. Bring Him into it.
Nothing brings up
character issues like trying to communicate and understand another person.
Because we’re human, messy, and flawed, our issues will come to the surface.
Take this chance to work on any unhealthy patterns. Seek counseling. Pray about
it. Journal your thoughts and feelings. You’ll thank yourself later. Promise.
These are just
five things that I’ve noticed in my own life, although I’m sure you have more.
What are other mistakes you’ve observed or experienced with regard to women and
*A lot more of
these tips are found in Dr. Henry Cloud’s book “How To Get A Date Worth
Keeping. “ It’s basically become a dating manifesto for many of my now dating
friends. Give it a read.

Way to go, Mills!