One of the phrases that he read said: “simply put, truth is
reality as it really is.” And the acceptance of truth is what promotes mental,
emotional and spiritual health.
The problem here is that truth may promote health, but not
necessarily happiness – and that is why we might resist it. Although there are
many different ways we can lie to ourselves (and the book goes into them), I
would like to focus on one in particular – denial.
Denial is a very powerful and destructive lie because it
keeps us stuck. People can deny all kinds of things from minor things (they can’t
really be completely sold out), to
major (the doctors must have made a misdiagnosis.)

To accept reality under these circumstances is to enter into
a period of grief. Yes, my finances really are that bad. No, I really wasn't shown adequate love and care as a child, and my Mom is still incapable of
meeting that need, even as and adult. And the list goes on and on. But telling
ourselves the truth, even when painful, is the first step towards a new and healthier
life. Once we break this denial and grieve our loss, we can come up with a new
This plan might include setting limits with ourselves or others,
quitting a bad relationship or job or making some other bold but needed move.
Are you being prodded right now as you read this? Is there a
lie you have gone along with that you know is a lie? Are you afraid to tell
yourself the truth and deal with the implications? Or is your problem that you
don’t want to consider any form of self-examination – even if it might yield some
positive results, simply because it might not turn out the way you want?
Unfortunately what you don’t want to know might actually hurt you.
Right now there is roof repair that is needed on my house –
if I do not deal with it before the rains come again there will be a bucket in
the middle of my family room when the weather turns. That’s reality – and I can’t
pray it away.